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Biopure Kits for Research and sample analysis in Biotechnology, Microbiology & Biochemistry

DNA collection kits DNA laboratories

DNA 2013 Conference

Untitled Document
  Gene Synthesis

DNA Sequencing

Protein Sequencing

FAME Analysis

Kits for Molecular Biology

Primer Synthesis

Bacterial Identification 16S rDNA
Products & Kits
  Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Kit

Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Fungal Genomic DNA Extraction Kit

Bacterial DNA Purification Kit

RAPD Application Kit (Using RAPD technique)

DNA Fingerprinting Kit(Using RFLP technique)
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Saturday, 15th of February, 2025

Services    DNA Forensics     Bioinformatics    Biotechnology   Trainings / Projects
Scope of Biotechnology services at BDRC
No matter what biomolecule/Chemical or technique you are working with, our Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Services Division has the expertise to assist you in its Screening, development, characterization, testing and validation. Bioaxis DNA Research centre provides vast range of services in protein analytical services, Bacterial/ viral studies, PCR screening and testing, Sequencing and testing the biological/chemical agent of your interest.
We provide services dedicated to Chemicals/ biomolecules Analysis, Drug targeting, Drug development, including recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies, Primer Designing, vaccines, blood products, Immunological studies and gene therapy. BDRC regularly support clients with additional key biotechnology services ranging from protein characterization, Screening, testing and storage, to biomanufacturing support.

Nucleic Acid Extraction and Sequencing

We offer nucleic acid (DNA) extraction, transformation and purification services from different blood and plant tissues including laser captured micro-dissections and FFPE tissues. We implement the most accurate and standard operating protocols with a well proven ability to generate high quality DNA, RNA, miRNA free of PCR inhibitors and other contaminants.

Gene Expression and Related studies

Gene expression is a multi-step process in which the expression of particular genes may be assessed with DNA microarray technology, we do expression profiling, which can provide a rough measure of the cellular concentration of different messenger RNAs; often thousands at a time.  BDRC provides the most cost effective and client specific whole-genome content services, focused content services, and broad flexibility for custom SNP content from 96- to 1536-plex. For all the details of this service by BioAxis please write to us at


Genotype describes the genetic constitution of an individual, that is the specific allelic makeup of an individual, usually with reference to a specific character under consideration.

It is a generally accepted theory that inherited genotype, transmitted epigenetic factors, and non-hereditary environmental variation contribute to the phenotype of an individual.

Non-hereditary DNA mutations are not classically understood as representing the individuals' genotype. Present era Scientists and doctors need the genotype for the most correct investigations of the genetic disorders for example about the (geno)type of a particular cancer, that is the genotype of the disease as distinct from the diseased.

BioAxis offers the most cost effective Illumina Microarray Analysis service to help client to obtain biologically and clinically meaningful results using Bead chips.

For the client specific details please write to us.

Flow Cytometry Services

Flow cytometry is a technique for counting, examining, and sorting microscopic particles suspended in a stream of fluid. It allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis of the physical and/or chemical characteristics of single cells flowing through an optical and/or electronic detection apparatus.

We offer flow cytometry services to analyse cells or cellular components for a wide range of morphological characteristics.


With the sequencing of complete genomes, it is now possible to reconstruct the network of biochemical reactions in many organisms, from bacteria to human. A grand challenge in the post-genomic era is to enable computational prediction of higher-level complexity of cellular processes and organism behaviors from genomic and molecular information. We at BDRC will screen the most appropriate and accurate Metabolic pathways as per the client needs.

We offer comprehensive facilities for analysis of group tests for metabolites and enzyme assays for the diagnosis of inherited metabolic disorders. We also facilitate/escalate necessary referrals to specialized laboratories for enzymes, metabolites and molecular diagnosis of these disorders.

Biorepository and Sample acquisition core

The Biorepository Core is designed to collect, process, and distribute large numbers of high quality research specimens quickly and efficiently. Primarily, human DNA from whole blood along with other human specimen types are collected, processed, stored and later distributed to support a large number research studies. Other specimen types include; cells, RNA, serum, plasma, tissue, and others. Samples can be stored as anonymous, identifiable, or identified.  We can also supply sample collection kits complete with accession sheets and matched barcode labels.

Miscellaneous Client specific Services

• PCR and PCR product purification

• Sequencing


• Gel documentation

• Allele specific PCR

• Mutation PCR

Microbial Identification services

DNA sequencing is the most accurate and reliable method for microbial identification for alomost all the organisms. This application is ideal for situations where a rapid and accurate identification is mandatory; results can be obtained rapidly(please call for details). We can identify organisms whether they are viable, non-viable, stressed or healthy. Phenotypic systems are limited to viable organisms. Our clients benefit because we use FAME analysis, DNA sequencing and microscopic analysis for identifications. These tools together complement each other to create a well rounded and accurate identification system.
DNA-based microbial identification for bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and yeasts

Fully validated library entries for bacteria, actinomycetes, yeasts, and fungi

Sample comparisons by means of a phylogenetic tree Biochemical/Fame/16 S  rDNA

Sample comparison to GenBank, an international DNA sequence database

Identify yeast, mold, or bacteria through DNA sequencing for an isolate

Options for same day, next day, two day and three day turn around times

Custom Phylogenetic Trees

A Phylogenetic Tree is generated based on the differences between the sequences of library entries and/or client samples. Base pair differences between at least five organisms are weighted differently to determine a percent similarity. The distances in the branches of the tree are mathematically calculated based on these percents and adjusted accordingly.
This tool can be very helpful when trying to determine the level of mutation imposed on a specific sample when compared to the original strain. This can also be a valuable asset in trending the changes within a species or genus over time. Records obtained from the gene sequencing procedure are always available to assist in the ease of accessing past data .

Clinical Research and Statistical Analysis services

Today, pharmaceutical companies, the world over, are under great pressure to maintain market share and profits. The era of blockbuster drugs is coming to an end. Patent expirations are leading to generic invasion of the market. Rising research and development costs are eating away at future profit potentials. So, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, in order to maintain profit levels, must have intelligently driven research and enhanced business management to analyze operational data to manage risk and maximise profits. BioAxis DNA Research Centre offers the SAS based statistical analysis.

What are the pharma-specific solutions offered by SAS?

SAS solutions for the pharmaceutical industry optimise the flow of valuable scientific and operational data within pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies—helping them bring drugs to market faster and more profitably. DRC offer solutions for every stage including discovery, development, production, and administration.

SAS Drug Development provides a centralised, integrated system for managing, analysing, reporting and reviewing clinical research information.

SAS  is faster, more efficient and easier to use than its predecessors, and it can accommodate changing organisational needs without any loss of efficiency. 

SAS Scientific Discovery Solutions present a comprehensive scientific analysis management system that improves scientific research reliability and productivity.

Identify failures due to safety or efficacy issues earlier in the research process to minimize risk, and identify promising compounds sooner to increase efficiency.

Help scientists perform investigative and biomarker research proactively to harness innovation.

Establish a centralized analysis resource that promotes consistent decision making and streamlines the research process.

Facilitate data preparation and analysis method customization for delivering best practices in research.

Promote collaboration, data sharing and a multidisciplinary view of research programs to minimize time to market.

Improve compliance features within discovery platforms to reduce regulatory issues downstream.

Statistical Analysis for life sciences by Dept of SAS

With so many challenges facing the life sciences industry – pricing pressures, pipeline pressures, impending patent expirations, and the soaring cost of developing new drugs – the strength of these companies as well as the intellectual property they need to improve the health of the public is being threatened. While the focus seems to be shifting to personalized medicine – the right drug for the right patient – personalized drugs will most likely mandate significant changes to life sciences companies' business practices.

BDRC is the market leader in providing a new generation of life science business development intelligence services that create true enterprise intelligence for an organization. BDRC statistical analysis solutions are handled with the most updated life science solution provider software like SAS, which is being used at 40,000 sites – including 96 of the top 100 companies on the FORTUNE Global 500® – to develop more profitable relationships with customers and suppliers; to enable better, more accurate and informed decisions; and to drive organizations forward. SAS solution for life sciences optimize the flow of scientific and operational data, help to bring therapies to market faster, more profitably and drives efficiencies throughout every stage of a drug's lifecycle. SAS satisfies standard for clinical data analysis, FDA standard for electronic submissions, assures accurate, consistent and reliable analysis of pharma research data. With SAS, you can warehouse, manage and analyze your data more efficiently & effectively and

Transform biomedical data into clinical insights
Analyze operational data to manage risk and maximize profits
Convert intellectual property from discoveries into effective drug treatments
Integrate scientific, customer, and operational data to make research and
Commercialization programs more successful.

Clinical Research Services offered @ BDRC

Clinical data management and Analysis.
Microarray (Expression) data management and analysis.
Drug Development database management and analysis.
Immunological database development and Report generation.
Biomarker Database Creation, maintenance and development
  For more details please contact us.
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